BitMeTV settings


Im still having trouble getting bitmetv working in the dev branch.

Ive added the uid, rss passkey and the cookie details with separate cookie pass and formatted as shown in the wiki but Im still getting this error:-

NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Exceptions.IndexerException: Indexer API call resulted in an unexpected StatusCode [Redirect]

Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?


which version are you on? Never got a reply for @jasonfxp so I dunno if the change even fixed it.

I’m on Sonarr Ver. dev branch on Ubuntu 14.10.

According to the BitMeTV forums the request should be like this:-;pass=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This as I remember from years ago did work in uTorrent’s very simplistic RSS reader.

or in flexget like this, which seems to mirror sonarr:-

     cookie: "uid=00000; pass=0000xxxx0000xxxxx0000"

The :COOKIE: is specific to utorrent, afaik.

Wait a sec, that other thread is about the .torrent download, not the rss feed.

You should probably use something like wireshark to check out the actual request made.
You’re likely got an error in the cookie or other settings.

I tried it manually with curl and it a returned a valid XML file.

curl -v --cookie "uid=xxxxx;pass=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --header "Accept-Language: en" "" -o bitme.xml

So I’m not sure what’s going on.

Posted a reply in here: Torrent RSS Casting Error regarding incorrect cookie submission, seems that set-cookie overrides the cookie with a cloudfare one.