Often daily shows are listed with dates, not the SxxExx format. This was discussed back in this thread. However, even though the thread was about Real Time with Bill Maher, I find a year and a half later that it’s not getting picked up. Can it be added to the list of daily shows that aren’t in season/episode formatting and if it has been, why did it not work last week? I’d reference a longer history if I had one, but I’m new to Sonarr.
It was added at that time and you have the ability to set it manually, both when adding the show and editing it.
If you’re having issues with it, please post debug logs of a search.
Just a random thought about Maher’s show: The default daily naming format throws off XBMC, since the TVDB scraper will assume all the newer episodes are just the overtime online-only segment and throw them into the specials folder. I thought somehow I had wiped out dozens of episodes when I couldn’t immediately find them in XBMC lol
The simple fix is to use SxxExx naming format in sonarr’s daily episode settings, and manually rename and import the overtime segments (S00Exx) if you download them elsewhere (sonarr can’t find them on its own anyway, at least not with the indexers I use).
Thanks for the replies. It worked this week. I’m not sure why it didn’t work last week but I didn’t take a hard look. No time, this is why I automate.
This is a bit weird as Mediaportal (MP-TVseries plugin) is also using TheTVDB without any issues in matching, perhaps it’s best to file a bug report with the XBMC devs or their scraper developer?
I’m having this issue with BTN. Sonarr won’t let me switch to Standard from Daily to test if that’s the issue.
If they are posted as SxxEyy on BTN then thats the issue. I’ve removed our forced mapping of it so you can change it manually.
NM - forgot about the advanced settings for a moment, see where I can modify this behavior. Would be nice to be able to do it show by show, but if the modifications for Daily I made under advanced get me what I need, it’s all good.
Actually having issues with this very same show, and how Plex picks it up. Plex only seems to recognize it via Season description, but it downloads and gets saved by date. Don’t know if there would be any way to customize the name it gets saved at without changing it for all of the shows. …or if there is an option to be able to save both in the name.