Better Quality Shows Do Not Post Process / Newly Aired Shows Post Process Fine

Hey Guys -

About a week ago, I made the full switch from SickBeard to NZBDrone. I love it and have been telling all my friends who are into the same thing. Thanks for your hard work and consistent development.

I found out about an issue last night that I can’t figure out. When looking at a different issue, I browsed to the folder SABnzbd saves the files into. There, I noticed over 80gb of media! The thing was, I know for a fact that recently aired shows have appeared in NZBDrone. I did a cross reference for many of the shows in the folder with the history of SABnzbd and found out that all of the shows in this folder had the following in common:

  • I had previously owned
  • NZBDrone had found I didn’t own it - or - detected a better quality version and attempted to download it
  • The download was 100% successful in SABnzbd
  • NZBDrone’s history listed it as downloaded

Here’s an example with the episode “Falling Skies S03E08”

Why is this happening? I have verified that my NZBDrone Factory path is set to the same path that the 80gb of folders are in and that the category set and download path in SABnzbd for both the newly aired and older episodes are the same.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Its because the folder name is wrong, for some reason not another it starts with ‘snow-’ which breaks the name matching drone uses to find the series. The reason drone grabbed it was because it is able to use tvrage id matching on the indexer, which is not available when the file is downloaded.

Its similar to this issue listed in the FAQ: but different because its not a scene naming issue its just a badly renamed release.

Sounds like your indexer returns some less than ideal results or adds some information to it. We’re making some changes in drone that may make this less of an issue, but this issue will need to be cleaned up manually at this time.

Thank you for your reply - I really appreciate it.

That makes complete sense - however - I think there may be more to it. Here’s an example.

My wife loves dogs. I got a couple of seasons of The Dog Whisperer for her including season 9 (which we own on DVD.) In NZBDrone, Season 9 of the show shows that episodes 4, 6-17, 36, & 37 are missing. I chose to have it grab all of season 9 where I’d think it would retrieve all missing episodes it found on indexers, then upgrade quality on others.

Here’s the season’s current state:

  • 17 episode folders for season 4 shows are still in my cache (NZBDrone Factory folder) with valid video files (5.93gb total)
  • Same season episodes still marked as “missing from disk” in NZBDrone
  • SABnzbd lists the episodes as complete (not failed)
  • Couldn’t find anything in history for episodes about them being complete - just that they were grabbed
  • I opened each of my 5 log files (which only covers 2 days) and searched for “Whisperer.” Only the newest log file was the only one that had a match. Below is what it said:
    14-5-30 03:34:40.2|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Skipping refresh of series: The Dog Whisperer
    14-5-30 03:34:40.2|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for The Dog Whisperer
    14-5-30 03:34:40.4|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for The Dog Whisperer

Basically, it seems it’s happening to many more shows, but without a doubt - not all of them as newly aired ones are still working. Here are some additional stats about my cache / Factory folder if it helps:

  • 65 folders totaling 75gb in size (1 episode per folder)
  • Folders are from 17 different TV Shows (Some shows just 1-2 episodes)
  • The majority seem to be named in a format which could be considered normal for releases

If there’s any more information I can submit, I’ll be happy to do it. I just can’t understand why some work and others don’t.

Thanks again for your help!!

Debug will show why it was rejected and without them I won’t be able to why they were rejected.