Back off Indexers that have their API limit reached?

I was wondering whether it would be a useful feature to no longer query Indexers for the next [xx] hours that respond with the
An error occurred while processing feed.,5040&extended=1&apikey=: API limit reached
message ?

Don’t know if most indexers reset the API limit every 24 hours or whether that depends on unpaid vs paid…

Sounds like a good idea to me. I know I was getting this and so I turned them off. Some type of setting to temp disable for however long setting, and maybe number of tries before doing so? 24 Hours would be fine as a Default. I have a number of indexers I use, so if 1 in disabled temp, it won’t effect me. Not like it’s doing anything anyway, move on to one that will. I like the idea.

yeah this seems like a good idea might prevent less stress on the indexer with all the constant API Call requests


All the sites i have provide a daily API limit and they usually differ depending on if you are VIP or donation. I have been blacklisted twice now where Sonarr has exceeded my daily searches.

FE: Have the ability to add in your daily api limit to the Settings -> Indexes for NZB sites

Error in Sonarr: Indexers unavailable due to failures: nzbzombie, nzbplanet