Automatically delete individual files & grab season packs for old seasons?

This wouldn’t be a priority at all, but would be a convenience.

I was thinking that for those of us who keep past seasons, esp. using torrents, it might be nice to have sonarr automagically, once the new season has a date, or X days after last ep of old season, remove the individual files for last season, then dwnld the season packs.

Might not be worth the effort tho.

The other thing, and this is much more complex, is set so that sonarr grabs seasons all from same release group, so you can create your own season pack torrent at the end.

Removing the files before a successful download sounds like a bad idea, potentially resulting in missing episodes and adds a lot of complexity for a smaller subset of users, at this point its not something we want to do.

As for preferring a single release group:


I tend to toss out ideas as I find myself doing things.

And thanks so much for being receptive AND for saying ‘no’ when it doesn’t make sense for the project even when some of us would love the feature. :smile:
Keeps out the bloat.

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