Hi is it possible to implement a subtitle downloader with prfered language?
Just like Autosub on synology machiens?
Would be much appreciated from here
This was already requested: http://track.nzbdrone.com/youtrack/issue/ND-39
Won’t be happening before the next version is out and from there I’m not sure when it will be added, but it is something we want to add.
If you use XBMC to watch your Shows there is a Subtitle Addon you can use for now until this is implemented into NZBDrone.
I was looking to run something on a windows machine,allready found it for me and the solution is to run autosub seperetly on my machine
@protocol77 said:
If you use XBMC to watch your Shows there is a Subtitle Addon you can use for now until this is implemented into NZBDrone.
Have you actually got that to work? I search for one and it finds and downloads it. but it doesn’t actually work.
yeah i haven’t had much need for subtitles as i don’t watch a lot of foreign language films or shows but it works for me i do change a few options in addon settings but i suppose it probably comes down to what you are trying to watch and if someone has uploaded subs for that on one of the sites.
It works fine, but the setup of the subtitle downloader is a bit weird. If I recall, you have to go into the plugin settings and enable/disable providers. I think the default enabled ones require sign-ups. I use the ones that don’t require it and it works fine.