Hi, I wanted to ask if there is a way to adjust the auto search, because I noticed that Sonarr very often grabs dead or stale torrents.
I would like to prioritize by Peers and then grab the first one that fits my quality category. I know that manually I can do that, but I would prefer to also let the auto search work like this.
Not 100% what you are asking, but maybe it helps:
Enable advanced options, then open your indexer configuration. There should be an option “minimum seeders”. I think the default is 1, you can make it… not zero? 5, 10, … that depends a bit on what you see on your indexer.
To the best of my knowledge this option exists in both v3 and v2.
Thanks for the input, but it’s not really what I’m looking for. Yes, the setting might help, but if i set ot on 10, it might still download the torrent with 12 peers, instead of the one with 45…
Let me ask this way: How does the auto search know which torrent to download, if there are 10 suitable found in the search?