Auto Replace 1080P with 720P Possible?


Just wondering if this is possible…

For many of my TV Series 1080P is available very quickly but a 720P version can become available at a later date which is what I would prefer due to the smaller size but on the other hand I would prefer to have each episode as quickly as possible. My Question is can Sonarr detect that a preferred 720P version of an episode is available and automatically replace the 1080P version it downloaded prior?

Many Thanks :slight_smile:

From memory…

Settings ==> Profiles ==> edit

move 720 above 1080

set cutoff to 720

Ah, Thank you… Hopefully this will work, I had the cut-off set to 1080p as I thought it would not download 1080 if the cut-off was 720! Thanks again!AjnJhtmhYMJlg-Q38dKTleUXP2jHaQ

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