Attempting to add a Twitter account gives the log error: "Unable to send test message: Input string was not in a correct format."

Tried to connect to a Twitter account for notifications, and entered the access token and access token secret, etc. Clicked “Connect to Twitter”, and the dial started spinning… and spinning forever. So I clicked “Test” (or “Save”) instead, and immediately the interface threw up the message “Unable to send test message”.

The full message from log: Unable to send test message: Input string was not in a correct format.: Input string was not in a correct format.

Exception text:

  • Version:

  • System information: iMac OS X 10.11.2

  • mono version:

The connect to twitter button should open a new window or tab for you to authorize, without that you will get an error saving or testing, make sure a popup blocker didn’t block it.

Thanks for that, disabled my pop-up blocker and it worked!

The problem is back suddenly after 3 weeks. Noticed that Sonarr was no longer sending Twitter notifications. Went to check the settings, and again, “Unable to send test message.” This time, the access token and access token secret are gone in the settings because of the last update.

Clicking “Connect to Twitter” does open the pop-up window now, and I authorize the app (but interestingly, the Sonarr app no longer seems to ask for access to send Direct Messages), but the test message fails to send anyway (both public and DMs fail).

I’m getting the same issue, tweets seemed to stop working around the 27th or so. Reauthorized Sonarr with no issues but getting an error message (same as above) when trying to send tweets.

Specific log info:

Unable to send test message: Input string was not in a correct format.: Input string was not in a correct format.

System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
at System.String.Format(String format, Object[] args)
at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Twitter.TwitterService.SendNotification(String message, TwitterSettings settings) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\Twitter\TwitterService.cs:line 117
at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Twitter.TwitterService.Test(TwitterSettings settings) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\Twitter\TwitterService.cs:line 130

Apparently the application has been suspended by twitter, possibly because we were hitting API limits, or someone reported the tweets as spammed or something else in a list of possible causes.

I think the only viable solution here will be to make creating a new app on twitter part of the process required to set up notifications since we don’t have the control required to meet the limits.

Ok so Twitter notifications are down until some code gets shipped to implement the new twitter app stuff. Gotcha!

Hey, just had a question about the workaround that you implemented to close the linked issue. I downloaded the latest master and created an app on Twitter for the notification account and entered its tokens, but Sonarr still failed to send a test message. Is there a set list of steps one needs to take to connect to Twitter with tokens?

Did you update the that version of Sonarr?

Take a look at the wiki page linked from the Consumer Kay/Secret.

Experiencing the same issue with the workaround.

Last night’s update fixed this issue for me.

Any estimate on when the fixed version is going to make it to the PPA? Not trying to rush things, just curious if you think it will get deployed quickly as a hotfix or if it’ll be rolled up into an omnibus release in a month.

Typically we only hotfix critical issues and I don’t see this being any different, so it will be rolled up in the next release to master, whenever that may be as there are a couple new download clients that are awaiting testing.

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