For months I have been running into issues with what I believe to be an ongoing propagation issue with Astraweb since about October last year. When NZBDrone finds a new NZB for show, it is queuing it up without issue, but it seems that the files are not yet on the usenet server, and it fails to download, then blacklists the NZB. Approx 10 mins minutes later, I manually queue up the blacklisted NZB, and it downloads fine.
This is becoming a very annoying issue for me, to the point I may have to change usenet servers as Astraweb seems to be the source of the problem. If there was a way to delay sending of the NZB by 10-15 mins (or any configurable number) it would solve the problem, or maybe there is a better solution? I am hoping someone else is expereicing similar issues as myself and all 5 of the people I setup their downloaders are having the same problem. I have tried to delay the RSS Interval to even 60 mins, and it still has issues where as a timed delay of 15 mins for all new NZB’s would ensure that it has time to propagate to all the usenet servers, I’m sure others must be having similar problems as me and my group. I think this could be a cause of a lot of false blacklistings people may be complaining about.
Here are some screenshots of the logs, showing it send the NZB to Sab, it fails and removed and blacklists the NZB. Then I send it back to queue 5 mins later… and it was failing so I remove it from queue, came back another 5 mins later and queued it up again, and it finished and completely perfectly.
Shows the queuing up and failing, and the re-queue
Shows it complete after the 10 mins requeue without issue (so not a DMCA takedown)
I read on another forum that there is an ongoing issue with usenet itself. I have been having this issue with both as well as astraweb, so you’re certainly not alone.
It is a major pain to see almost every file failing.
Well I’m glad to get some feedback on other servers… and see that I am not alone. Thanks for sharing your experience, I hope others can post their experience. I think the additional of an option delay might be good option then, as it almost seems like clockwork that 10-15 mins later they all download, and reqeuing 10 shows a night gets to be a bit of a hassle for an “auto-downloader”, though no fault of NZBDrone, it’s obviosuly a usenet issue that hopefully we can work around.
Its not astra, its easynews or whatever provider the uploaders are using, it doesn’t propagate to the other providers properly and indexers that are using the same provider as the uploaders are seeing complete nzbs before they’re propagated and ends up causing failures.
Using indexers that use the same provider as your primary provider will cause less issues.
Ahh I’m having this issue on newshosting as well and has caused me to return to torrents for specific TV shows that I can’t never grab in time before they are dmca’d.
Any suggestions on a provider that seems to be more “complete” than others in the time frame we need them to be? I’d assume that those 2 trello cards are down the pecking order so might need to make a change for a little while.
I’m using Astraweb as my main and Newsgroup Direct and Blocknews for backups (both block accounts). I don’t remember the last time I saw a propagation issue, though I’m I feel I’m using two of the best indexers dog and “.org”.
Astra gets hit with DMCA’s pretty fast and hard, but I never notice unless I’m back filling and drone usually takes care of that.
I am also seeing this, it is not new, I have had this problem with certain releases for months. Some releases are worse than others, I think like someone else mentioned if the upper is on the same server as the indexer it will show up much sooner in the index than the files being available on other serves.
The other problem I have is with propers, I have Sabnzbd set to download at night, during the day nzbdrone finds and adds a new download to Sabnzbd at say 10AM, this will not be downloaded until the following night due to Sabnzbd schedule, but during the day at say 3PM a PROPER is releases. That night Sabnzbd downloads the file and then NzbDrone sorts and stores it, then Drone sees that there is a PROPER and grabs that and sends it to Sabnzbd for download. The release gets downloaded twice for no reason, it could have removed the queued released and added the PROPER.
This has been annoying me as well. I tried to get around it by enabling the “check files before you start downloading” option in Sab, but I’m not sure it helps at all really, it just seems to start it anyway. That said it hasn’t happened for a few days.
the check before downloading should do a completes header check that just fails the download before it downloads any major data transfer so it helps but it still fails.