Assign release profile to series type (anime,standard,daily)

I know that this can be achieved through the use of tags, however i think the option of being able to assign a release profile to a series type from the release profile in a dropdown would be much more effective. It means that if i add an anime series via ombi/overseer and i choose it as an anime series it will use the correct release profiles i have setup using trash-guides without any further intervention.

Closest thing we have planned is assigning tags based on series attributes:

Ok yep, that would also be effective as well. I think either way is fine as long as there is an automated way of doing it. Are tags exposed in the API? Maybe there’s a way for Ombi/overseer devs to implement tags for requests without you having to make any changes currently.

Yes, anything you can do in the UI is exposed in the API. When adding the series you can 0 or more tags.

ok it seems overseer devs are already on it!

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