Sonarr version (
Mono version (
OS: Synology NAS Docker
Debug logs: sonarr.txt logs - logs uploaded to
Description of issue:
the link above is the entire sonarr.txt log file. i have two issues
i recently changed from running sonarr as a package in synology to sonarr as a docker.
in another docker i have setup correctly and working fine on my local computer and my phones a v2ray container. in the sonarr settings area for proxy i put my LAN ip and in the v2ray container i see it making successful connections to the v2ray container to then to skyhoook and to sonarr sites.
i see that in the log, and that link clearly works with the v2ray (vpn ) turned on.
20-4-14 01:46:51.9|Warn|HttpClient|Failed to get response from: The operation has timed out.
20-4-14 01:46:51.9|Warn|MediaCoverService|Couldn't download media cover for [329065][Castlevania]. The operation has timed out.
20-4-14 01:47:02.4|Warn|HttpClient|Failed to get response from: The operation has timed out.
20-4-14 01:47:02.4|Warn|MediaCoverService|Couldn't download media cover for [295640][Chicago Med]. The operation has timed out.
20-4-14 01:47:02.5|Error|MetadataService|Couldn't download image /config/MediaCover/82/fanart.jpg for [295640][Chicago Med]. Path doesn't exist!
the other issue is with some permissions. and i dont know why, i set the PUID / GUID to user 0 / group administrator. and i am seeing this error in the log.
[v2.0.0.5344] System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path /config/MediaCover/82/poster.jpg
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x0019e] in <254335e8c4aa42e3923a8ba0d5ce8650>:0
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) [0x00000] in <254335e8c4aa42e3923a8ba0d5ce8650>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare)
at System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path) [0x00000] in <254335e8c4aa42e3923a8ba0d5ce8650>:0
at NzbDrone.Api.Frontend.Mappers.StaticResourceMapperBase.GetContentStream (System.String filePath) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\Frontend\Mappers\StaticResourceMapperBase.cs:48
at NzbDrone.Api.Frontend.Mappers.StaticResourceMapperBase+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<GetResponse>b__0 () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\Frontend\Mappers\StaticResourceMapperBase.cs:37
at Nancy.Responses.StreamResponse+<>c__DisplayClass1.<GetResponseBodyDelegate>b__0 (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <63c44d6f8d7e4f339a987bf9eb94d931>:0
at Nancy.Responses.MaterialisingResponse.PreExecute (Nancy.NancyContext context) [0x00011] in <63c44d6f8d7e4f339a987bf9eb94d931>:0
any help would be really nice, thanks guys,
**BTW i am always on freenode irc in #sonarr ** name Rp4k
some people said that because linux-server/Sonarr is built with
and this uses outdated SSL. this is the other reason why TVDB stopped using it. and updated
So can we please get an update or a fix. because i have to use SSL for my vpn and i need to be on a vpn to access TheTVDB database. because the site is blocked.