App.js 41001 / 41005 Windows

I am running on Windows and since the most recent (8/25/2014) updates I have an error in app.js when I visit the settings page. Within Firefox I get app.js 41005 TypeError: numberStyle is null. Within IE I get app.js 41001 Unable to get property β€˜0’ of undefined or null reference.

Thank you for any assistance!

I’m getting the same error now as well on all settings pages, error 41005. Uncaught TypeError:Cannot read property β€˜0’ of null

What is your Standard Naming Format set to? You can shown advanced settings and copy+paste the contents of the input field.

Nothing has changed on mine, this just appeared after coming back home from a weekend away and there was apparently an update.

FYI cannot access any of the tabs under settings to see any settings.

Okay, next best thing:

Can you enter: http://localhost:8989/api/config/naming?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY into your browser? You will need to replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual api key, which you can get from the config.xml file in the drone AppData Directory (which you can see on System -> Info in the drone UI). Also replace localhost and 8989 if required.

Sure can, here’s what I get:

This was working just fine until this update so not sure what’s changed to cause it.

Keep an eye out for - it should fix this issue and should be available in a few minutes.

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Excellent! Will this auto-update or is that an update we need to manually grab?

Nevermind I see where to grab it from within the program and it worked. Thank you very much for the fix!