App.js : 24828 Error: Invalid arguments

Last week, I missed a download of The 100 (S01E07). I told NzbDrone to search for it again, and it found it. Today, I noticed that it was still listed as missing. So, I looked in SabNzbd, and saw that it had successfully downloaded it. I checked the Complete folder, and found it there. Two copies, actually. It still had the original filenames (from the download release), so I moved the video file to the proper location, renamed it to match the rest, then told NzbDrone to rescan the directory. It gave an error message. I think it was the app.js error that I posted in the subject name. It did pick up on the new episode, so I kinda ignored the error. I just checked my NzbDrone tab (in my browser) and it’s sitting on the Series page, and I have 8 copies of this error stacked up. I just saw an RSS scan happen, and then another error showed up above it.

I looked in the log and found this:
EpisodeFileMovingService Unable to set last write time: Invalid parameter

and I also saw this error:
PriorityMonitor Unable to verify priority: Access denied

I’m running this on my Synology NAS, version

I moved the file out of the directory and rescanned. It recognized that the show is missing.

Of course, shortly after, I had 4 of these errors stacked up:
app.js : 18316
TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not an object (evaluating ‘obj._listenerId’)

And, I’ve gotten 3 more of these:
app.js : 24828
Error: Invalid arguments

Perhaps I should just stop trying to fix this, as it looks like I’m making things worse.

I deleted the series (not the files), and I’m still getting these errors… My install has been working great since I started using it about 2 weeks ago, until now.

I closed that tab in my browser, and reloaded the web app in another tab and it seems fine now. Strange… I’ll respond again if the issue returns.

Import: Has the drone factory folder been configured?
“EpisodeFileMovingService Unable to set last write time: Invalid parameter” - just a warning
"PriorityMonitor Unable to verify priority: Access denied" - I need to look into this further already on Trello here:

The First UI error looks to be an issue with the file size not being set (not sure where that is coming from). The second UI error is likely due to the files being moved.

Yes, the drone factory folder was configured. I’ve been using nzbdrone for a few weeks, downloading a couple episodes almost every day and it’s worked fine until this episode of The 100. I’ve had no more issues since I closed and reopened the nzbdrone page. At the rate of errors I was seeing, I would expect that I’d have seen it again by now if there was still an issue.

For the issue with The 100, enable debug logs and it should show why it wasn’t imported (since you’ve already imported it, you can wait for the next episode).

Log files:
Possible cause of import failures:

Thanks, debug logs enabled.

I had this same error message after doing some manual manipulation of files and refreshing the series. I got it on every Drone Factory folder scan. I think what ultimately stopped it was stopping the Factory folder automated scan (set Drone Factory Interval to zero), refresh the page, turn it back on (Set it to non-zero) and refresh the page again. I’m not getting the error any more, but I haven’t yet downloaded anything new.

Ok, I think I had the same problem with “The 100” again. With Debugging turned on, here’s what I got in the log:

14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL’
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. the100 - S01E09
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: SDTV
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: LOL
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL folder quality: SDTV
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘/volume1/media/Videos/Download/complete/The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL’ for video files
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in /volume1/media/Videos/Download/complete/The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Analyzing 1/1 files.
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'the.100.109.hdtv-lol.mp4’
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. the - S01E00-01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for the.100.109.hdtv-lol.mp4
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: SDTV
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: lol
14-5-15 14:40:47.0|Debug|ParsingService|Unable to find the - S01E00-01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09 SDTV
14-5-15 14:40:47.1|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Size: 367306915
14-5-15 14:40:47.5|Debug|UpgradeSpecification|This file isn’t an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping /volume1/media/Videos/Download/complete/The.100.S01E09.HDTV.x264-LOL/the.100.109.hdtv-lol.mp4

If I am reading that right, it looks like it is complaining because it can’t figure out which season/episode it is based on the filename? Will it fix it if I change the filename so it includes S01E09, instead of “109”?

I tried renaming it and it worked.