Im pretty sure I am doing a dumb thing somewhere but I cant see it so was searching for a pointer if anyone can help.
$body =
"tvdbId": 368667,
"title": "Space Force",
"qualityProfileId": 5,
"titleSlug": "space-force",
"images": [
"coverType": "banner",
"url": ""
"coverType": "poster",
"url": ""
"coverType": "fanart",
"url": ""
"seasons": [
"seasonNumber": 1,
"monitored": true
request made via powershell
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -uri http://localhost:8181/api/series?apikey=$sonarrKey -body $body
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
I assume my body is incorrect somewhere but it passes through JSON lint with no issues.