Another Quality and Cutoff Question

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux Docker
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
I’m farily new to sonarr and seem to be having the typical issue with how to configure the quality setting and cutoff to get what I want.
I have my qualiy settings set to
WEBDL- 2160
with cutoff at HDTV-1080

I also have a 600min delay set for only torrents.

What I would like is Sonarr to check if there’s a 2160 version first and if so download that. If not then go down to 1080P and download that. However, if it does end up downloading a 1080P version and 3 days later a 2160 version is available, I don’t want it to download that.

Do I have it setup correctly?

(Post must be at least 10 characters) :grin:

Great! Thanks!

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