Firstly I was able to add the show “Kuroko’s Basketball” using the add existing series feature which had no problem recognizing it then, but when I try to have it find the recent available episode it won’t find it even when I try searching manually. I checked and the episode is available using my current indexers. So, I manually downloaded the episode and put it in my Drone Factory Folder and had it check it and nothing happens. I ran a scan again on the drone factory folder while I had debugging logs on and below is what I got.
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘/Users/Admin/Desktop/Downloads/Manual Downloads’ for video files
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in /Users/Admin/Desktop/Downloads/Manual Downloads
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|Parser|Parsing string '[HorribleSubs] Kuroko’s Basketball 3 - 51 [720p]'
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. kurokosbasketball3 - 051
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for [HorribleSubs] Kuroko’s Basketball 3 - 51 [720p]
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: HorribleSubs
15-1-12 07:54:11.3|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series for file: [HorribleSubs] Kuroko’s Basketball 3 - 51 [720p].mkv
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘/Users/Admin/Desktop/Downloads/Manual Downloads’ for video files
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in /Users/Admin/Desktop/Downloads/Manual Downloads
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|Parser|Parsing string '[HorribleSubs] Kuroko’s Basketball 3 - 51 [720p]'
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. kurokosbasketball3 - 051
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for [HorribleSubs] Kuroko’s Basketball 3 - 51 [720p]
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: HorribleSubs
15-1-12 07:54:14.1|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series for file: [HorribleSubs] Kuroko’s Basketball 3 - 51 [720p].mkv
As you can see above it doesn’t recognize the series of the file downloaded. The only thing I can guess causing the problem, based on what I see going on in the logs is the number 3 in the name which stands for the 3rd season of the Anime. So I removed the number 3 in the name and voila the episode was now recognized and added to the proper season folder for the Anime series.
I just moved from SickBeard and I really love this program and its potential. Please help me get this issue resolved and the setup will be perfect.
Thanks for the advise, but now an alias has been submitted and I show it as public as well but anime is still not being recognized. Also another anime with same situation with Alias already submitted and showing public is “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012)” Season 3.
Please advise if there is something I am missing or need to do to get them properly recognized still.
OK so looking at my log I think I found the issue. Which I have confirmed also with manual searches of the same format mentioned in the logs. The Anime shows have an “'s” somewhere in the name which is breaking the searches. My idea is have the search program when it notices an “'s” is to ignore it. Examples below:
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure = JoJo Bizarre Adventure
Kuroko’s Basketball = Kuroko Basketball
When I search for the shows above using the edited names I get the shows I need every time for both Fanzub and and haven’t added it yet but I assume will also be the same for site as well.
Update: Setup new torrent feature and noticed same results for torrent searches where removing the “'s” in the name fixed the search results so episodes now show up in search results
The problem isn’t perhaps that “'s” should be ignored, but instead properly url-encoded. It looks to me like there should be proper url-encoding for the name and not just remove the tick, i.e. search for “Kuroko’s Basketball”, not “Kurokos Basketball”.
That is a valid point, but I verified that still won’t resolve the issue especially for sites like which if you just did a search for say “jojo’s” the search will remove the apostrophe and do a search for “jojos” instead which will still not get you the proper results unless you just search for “jojo”. Not all nzb indexers are created equal though. Fanzubs doesn’t appear to be affected by searches most of the time which include apostrophes in them, but I still find universally by removing the “'s” from anime show names you will always get the true complete list of results that match what you are searching for no matter which indexer you use. Plus fanzubs site for awhile now has been really behind on its database updates compared to other NZB indexing sites!
That makes sense. Then I guess we’re left with either processing titles based on which indexer is being used or a universal simplification of titles where special characters cannot just be removed without removing the characters after as well. One safe alternative might also be to replace a tick (’) with a space (result: “Kuroko s Basketball”), would be a more universal approach but I don’t know if that will work with e.g.
I tried your safe alternative on both of my indexer sites = & Fanzubs and just replacing the tick (’) with a space so (Kuroko’s Basketball = Kuroko s Basketball) seams to work just fine, just like removing the ('s) from the names. Is there any way for me to implement this update to Sonarr searches or will I have to wait and pray for this to be included in next update and hope next update will be soon?
Update: I tried searching torrents like Nyaa and replacing the tick (’) with a space and the safe way also works there as well.
Glad you tested it out! To me it seems like the GetQueryTitle function in NzbDrone.Core/IndexerSearch/Definitions/SearchCriteriaBase.cs would need to be updated, and that will likely require Sonarr to be recompiled. I wouldn’t mind submitting a PR to fix this behaviour (I believe the behaviour to be incorrect, as search term with special characters removed is not the same as one with) but I’m completely unfamiliar with Visual Studio development, nor do I have a machine to run it on. Just praying might not do the trick in this case, would need to submit an issue or something.
I did some testing with Fanzub and replaced 's with s as well as nothing, but the result was the same, only one result was received (the same one both times).
Unless you’re testing these strings against the API (not the UI) the results aren’t a representation of what you’ll get back when you use the API.
If someone wants to give it another shot using the API then we can take another look, but as-is, there was no noticeable improvement.
Well, I can’t speak for Fanzub since I don’t have access there, but generally assuming that deleting a tick in a search is the same as one with it included is quite dangerous. This is very apparent with e.g.
Fanzub has a public API, you can get the full URL Sonarr uses if you enable it and do a search. Thats interesting though, I’d hope Fanzub has similar results.
Ok, thanks for informing me. Now, I checked Fanzub and cannot reproduce this with Kuroko’s Basketball, since it only gives results under the name “Kuroko no Baske”, however, with JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures I found some interesting patterns.
Depending on the indexer I have noticed that the 's doesn’t affect the search results and others it does, so not all indexers are created equal. I have found with wewereus’s help, in order to resolve the issue universally for shows with an 's in the name not showing up in searches, you need to replace the ’ with a space or delete the 's from the name during searches.
I have most of the popular indexers setup. Here is my sonarr logs when searching for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012):
In the logs you can see where the search fails for some indexers and succeeds for others, hence not all indexers are created equal.
Here is the list of all of my indexers I have setup in Sonarr: