Sorry to reopen an old post, but I have the exact opposite problem.
I want to add fairy tail anime to sonar and the search is not working properly. It is not searching with the absolute number.
I don’t know what is searched exactly but the results gives a lot of things but not the absolute number.
For exemple for season 5 episode 10 the results are neither 5x10 nor the absolute number. I have episode 51, 151… But not the one I want.
I don’t know what to do with xem as suggested in the last post.
Can someone help me please?
EDIT : I have made some extra testing, it seems that the problem is only for Fairy Tail, for Naruto Shippuden is working nearly perfectly. Sonarr says that the release is larger than 0kb and I can’t download the release I want (thats an other problem)
Did you set the series type to Anime?
Please hastebin ((debug logs)) of a search.
PS moved this to a new thread because the other one is months old and unrelated.
Thanks for your answer.
The TV show “Fairy tail” is correctly set as anime. So that not the problem.
The search with absolute number is working for Naruto shippuden so it seems to be only with fairy tail.
I will get the log and post it here
For this anime i have made a manual search for épisode Fairy Tail - 6x21 (247) - Tartaros Arc: Alegria
In the log i have “Searching 5 indexers for [Fairy Tail : 72]”
It seems that it is searching with absolute number but not the right one…
EDIT 2 : In the scene number column the information is wrong. This episode is considered as Season 2 Episode 72.
How can I change that?
You will need to reach out on IRC on the #xem channel as that is where scene numbering is handled.
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