Anime rename issue

I’ve noticed that some anime release group names are being renamed to DRONE, or something weird. Examples:

Example #1

Example #2

Not sure if anyone else has reported this bug.


Nzbdrone version: develop
OS: Windows 8.1 (x64)

This is due to how the release group parsing works, it needs some fixes to be more reliable for anime, but the inconsistent way releases are named for anime makes it tricky (though this is a fairly common format).

I have added it to our anime card:

I think 90%+ of all anime releases follow [Group] Title - ## [Quality][Hash] as a naming scheme though?

@NMe sure, but this file format differs from that (no hash), so while very similar its not the same.

What if everything after ## was optional? And anything between [] is read as is (assume that all the separators like ‘-’ are part of the group name)?

I think @DFKnight made that naming scheme, it’s not actually something that is released by the scene like that. And my guess is that since you already store all the information you get for a release in the SQLite DB, Drone could build that naming scheme if it actually has the data. Which leads me to believe that Drone’s inability to rename these files correctly is due to the fact that they were probably not downloaded by Drone but were downloaded, adjusted to the naming scheme and moved to the media directory manually. Am I correct?

I don’t think I manually downloaded them. I believe they were downloaded by Drone, renamed by Drone to meet my naming criteria (in settings), but then Drone is failing to parse the groups for these releases properly.

Also, going through, I noticed that not all groups follow the naming scheme specified by @NMe. Many groups don’t even post hashes or quality because the mkv extension is generally considered 720p. The same goes for usenet. If you look around, you’ll find many releases that won’t have any hashes on them. I think that parsing based on hashes should be optional. The key fields should be the group name, release title, and episode. mkv in the title generally means 720p so if the quality is not specified in [], then it should be assumed that it is 720p.