I would like to have my anime downloads renamed like this: “E{absolute:000} - {Episode Title}” but it says that this would produce invalid file names. {Series Title} - {absolute:000} - {Episode Title} works, but it seems superfluous to have the series title in both the folder and file names.
Does {absolute:000} - {Episode Title}
Both those styles would produce file names that aren’t parseable for anime (for absolute episode numbers that are over 100).
That doesn’t work either. I’m not sure what you mean by un-parseable filenames.
Unparsable means Sonarr can’t determine what the exact episode is from the filename. Sonarr currently has strict parsing of anime (which we want to address in the future), but we also don’t allow renaming that would result in files that Sonarr can’t parse to determine the episode.
At the moment Anime filenames require the series title.
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