Anime episodes in "specials" season make the renamer crash

I just installed NzbDrone earlier today and I have to say: it’s the prettiest piece of software I’ve seen in a long time. For regular series I’m pretty happy with it. It snatches everything perfectly, moves it without even being told where SABnzbd downloaded it and I’m generally pretty happy about it. After Sickbeard this is a very welcome change.

However, I ran into some issues with the anime functionality and seeing that it’s a pretty new feature I want to help out as much as I can to help make it better. I’ll make separate threads for the other issues I find.

Now on to the actual problem: if you have any of the episodes in the specials season on your disk and you click the “rename episodes” button while your naming scheme includes the absolute episode number, NzbDrone comes up with an internal server error. I’m assuming this only happens for specials that did not get an absolute episode number. My naming scheme is as follows: {season:0}x{episode:00} - {absolute:000} - {Episode Title}

Personally I think the best way to deal with this is to apply the standard series naming scheme to episodes that do not have an absolute episode number. The Sickbeard anime branch does/did the same and it’s probably the only way of properly dealing with this, as simply leaving it out would end up with episode names like “0x01 - - Episode Title” in schemes like mine.

Thanks! Yes, anime is in its early stages, but its mostly down to polish and little issues right now, such as this one.

I believe you’re on the right track with the issue and you saved me from finding a solution to it. I’ll take a look and confirm that’s that issue and get it fixed up.

This should be fixed in the next release, let me know if its still an issue though.

Great, thank you. :slight_smile: Will keep you posted if something breaks again.

I noticed that Drone has just updated and this problem seems to be fixed. Works great now, thanks. :slight_smile: