I’m new to Sonarr, moving over from Sickbeard a few days back. One of the things that I really wanted to get going after this switch is to get Anime in to my library (I’m running develop branch, latest update). I’ve had a bunch of old files which I renamed manually as they were all in their original scene names. I found some missing files/seasons which I started to gather manually since Sonarr wouldn’t find any of the episodes through its own search.
To make this a bit more specific:
I had season 1 of Mushisi in its original scene file format and changed it to Mushishi s01enn. After this Sonarr picked up the files and allowed me to restructure them in to a season folder and align the naming scheme to how I had set things up.
I’ve gotten the files for season 2 manually and they’re in this format:
[DeadFish] Mushishi Zoku Shou - 01 [720p][AAC]
[DeadFish] Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season - 01 [720p][AAC]
And they are sitting in my drone factory folder right now.
I’m wondering why these aren’t being picked up (I’m guessing formatting, but being new I don’t know how to get to scan logs), especially since anime should be supported. And long term I’d like to set things up in a way that will allow me to move files to the drone factory and have them be picked up and moved/renamed as appropriate.
I’d love to know:
how to troubleshoot these types of issues
how to fix the files so they’ll be picked up
If I’m completely wrong in my assumptions in how this is supposed to work
Any alternatives to getting these types of files to get picked up (I’m running Windows and am not afraid to script/program) in an automated fashion
P.S. Everything else that Sonarr is supposed to do seems to be working quite nicely.
It sounds like you’re idea of what the Drone Factory (DF) does is on point, but just to confirm, do you have Completed Download Handling (CDH) enabled to deal with downloads from SAB/get automatically? DF is definitely useful, but limited in its usefulness.
Debug logs are your source to figure out why these aren’t importing (feel free to pastebin the DF scan and we’ll take a look), which should lead to an answer for point #2 I hope.
Glad things are otherwise working for you, let us know if you need anything else.
I’m in the same boat and have been gradually switching over from lad337’s anime fork from sickbeard. One of the things that was stressed to us, on that version, was absolute numbering would be key role in keeping things tidy and making sure XEM had the proper scene exceptions.
Here is my naming format which has worked great for me so far:
You wind up with Mushi-Shi.S02E20.049.Tree.of.Eternity.HDTV-720p.mkv
The post processing isn’t as good in sonarr yet when trying to determine names, they’re working on it thou, as sickbeard was and stripping off the beginning group release name helps with importing a lot of the times if you’re doing it manually instead of having sonarr download and process for you.
The debug logs, as @markus101 mentioned is the easiest way to see what’s going on.
Sonarr does the same, when its in square brackets (anime scene style). A lot of times the issue is how the file is named, the anime scene has a few common formats mixed with a bunch of seemingly random ones. Once the file has been renamed though it really depends on the format used.
If you have some examples we can always use them to try and improve things.
Thanks for the replies, I’ve pasted the log outputs, it seems it just can’t resolve the series name.
15-1-4 12:57:39.5|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series for file: [DeadFish] Mushishi Zoku Shou - 01 [720p][AAC].mp4
But it figures out the groupname/quality just fine.
To the questions posted: yes I have renaming turned on, and I think I have completed download handling turned on as well (anything downloaded through SABNzb is picked up and put in the right place, this also included one anime episode I was missing)
My formatting for anime is [{Release Group}] {Series Title} {absolute:000} … I’m from the fansubbing scene so I really kind of stick to my groups for releases
Another question: for my existing anime I had the folders set up and the series were detected just fine, but until I added the SnnEnn the scanner didn’t pick up any of the episodes, nor did it find any files to rename/restructure. Should this go through the drone factory idealy to auto-organize shows and episodes?
What I’ve noticed is that if the [Release Group Name] is in the folder that contains the anime episodes it will not manually post process sometimes. If i strip the root folder to the series name without any other characters it will usually post process files inside that folder that still have the RGN on them properly. I’ve seen this on a folder structure like this:
If I strip [Commie] off the root folder everything works.
There was also a single instance where a root folder just had an “-” attached to the end and the manual processing failed which was an easy fix. I’m assuming the complete process handling done by nzbdrone works 99% of the time because it already knows what the show ID is when the processing happens.
I can provide some examples moving forward as I find things and maybe a small Anime tip / tricks thread or something can be started for those of us how are switching over. I know anime support isn’t fully in yet but definitely appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing to make it happen. I’m loving Sonarr so far.
Was the series added as anime? Looks like thexem.de has a proper mapping for that series title, so it should be able to import it. You should be able to edit the series and verify.
The other series might have the same issue, or its because they have the scene names and absolute episode numbers; Sonarr expects files in series folders to follow tvdb numbering as it doesn’t parse the series title again (lots of people have files without the series title).
That’s because Sonarr can’t parse it, if it was a full release name (abs number at a minimum) then it would be fine, but Sonarr doesn’t strip it off the beginning.
Actually I just added the series as “Anime” (which is the original season) and I removed the tagging at the end.
I just tried to re-organize the first season as it no longer needs the s01e01 denominator, and it comes up with this:
Season 1\Mushi-Shi.S01E01.avi
Season 1\[shi] Mushi-Shi 001.avi
Which is interesting since it should just add [Sonarr] from looking at the other releases. Looks like the regex is a little off here.
I tried to rerun the drone factory scan, the files are in the drone factory root btw (no sub folders) and the result is the same
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|Parser|Parsing string '[DeadFish] Mushishi Zoku Shou - 01'
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. mushishizokushou - 001
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for [DeadFish] Mushishi Zoku Shou - 01
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Unknown v1
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: DeadFish
15-1-4 13:46:38.5|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series for file: [DeadFish] Mushishi Zoku Shou - 01.mp4
I could probably use advanced renamer to try and fix all the files, but honestly as of now I don’t really know what I need to fix here. I’ll keep trying, but any hints would be useful (as in how could I validate the name manually in a similar way SONARR does)
The -shi is due to the poor release group parsing using a dash and taking everything after it, release group in square brackets makes it easier.
It actually doesn’t look like its parsing it properly, might not like the 2 digit abs number, try a 3 digit one to check. Otherwise it may be expecting a hash at the end of the file as well, which shouldn’t be a hard requirement.
I’ll have to do some testing to see why its not parsing properly.
I tried a few variations and put the results up on pastebin it just doesn’t seem to like this particular anime’s name?
As a side note I noticed that his particular show has a rather off-beat naming scheme. Anidb reports 3 different shows (seasons) and thetvdb only reports two seasons. The second season seems to be a combination of the two last shows in Anidb.
I’ve “resolved” the issue, or rather I got to the result I wanted, by manually going in and renaming the files.
What I did was:
Add the S02Exx item
Remove all the “2nd season” sections
Renumber whatever was 2nd season and add 10 so everything lines up
Moved all the files manually to a Season 2 folder in my existing show folder
This way I got the second season added without issue, and had Sonarr re-do the absolute numbering.
I actually did some looking in to XEM and it seems the exceptions and mappings are there so everything should have lined up, at least for the episodes without the “2nd season” piece attached to it (although Mushishi S2 was mentioned as another variation). The numbering changes lined up with what was in XEM so all episodes + titles are good now.
Still no fix on the drone factory, but I did get an episode that didn’t get picked up after being downloaded (for whatever reason) to get scanned by the drone factory and dropped in to the right folder. So it seems the factory works as it should, but mushishi s2 was too tough a nut to crack