And the toughest program to download is...Horizon


I’ve used NZBDrone, Sickbeard and a couple of others and have NEVER had one handle the british show “Horizon” properly.

There are so many seasons you see names like horizon.s52e12. Has anyone gotten this to work?

Ill take that as a challenge :wink:

@kayone said:
Ill take that as a challenge :wink:

Haha well one thing i know from all the questions and requests I and other members throw at you and Markus101 on a daily basis we know you don’t mind a challenge :slight_smile:

I believe it just comes down to setting up proxy correctly, then it should be fixed for everyone?

@deadken, I did some testing and it seems like NzbDrone has no problem finding the episodes? can you explain the problem you are having?


Maybe something has kicked in on 2.0? I have had this series on my list forever and have never seen a hit.

It’s great to see this series starting to work.

Its very possible that it was fixed in 2.0. There were lots of back end changes that should Make episode matching much more reliable.

2.0 has picked up tons of things that SB and v1 never got. Even some things that I couldn’t find when searching manually have magically popped up in 2.0

To bump an old threat.

Horizon has been working fine for the first 7 episodes of this years season but the last 7 drone refuses to find even though they are available.

But does have Horizon S53E08 720p HDTV x264-FTP

Weird because there’s no format changes from the ones it finds to the ones it doesn’t

The season is numbered 2014 on TVDB and not 53. Which you can see, as it’s searching for S2014E8 and not for S53E08.

Just did some googling on this. It’s actually because NZBDrone uses Xem to remap scene episodes to TVDB episodes. No one has updated the last 7 episodes, the historical ones are fine though.

I tried to do it myself but the interface is confusing me and so are the instructions.

Seems like a ‘draft’ has been submitted that makes some updates to the mapping, but this has to be pushed public by a admin, not sure how long that takes, maybe @markus101 can help since he is in there irc channel?

Maybe the torrents update will help

sorry to bring this back from the dead, but i have this series listed seasons as years and not the season number.
according to the it should be getting the correct episode listing. but its not.
am i missing some fundamental option somewhere?

Sonarr will still show everything as it exists on TheTVDB, but will use the information from thexem for RSS/searching/importing. Hover over the episode number and you can see how its mapped.

There is something odd with sonarr and “horizon”.

The last episode grabbed by sonarr was a few months ago - Season 2014 episode 7
Scene Information
Season 53
Episode 7
Absolute 59
Title: The £10 Million Challenge

Since then I’ve seen approx another 10 episodes on bbc2 but sonarr hasn’t grabbed any. Today I manually searched for “horizon hdtv 720p” on a nzb site and all the episodes are there but even if I put them into nzbdronefactory folder it still ignores them.

I guess this one is too complicated with the various names the scene gives to the episodes (s54 vs s2015 etc).

It hasn’t been kept up to date on Once its updated and the draft approved Sonarr will work with it again.

Hi Markus,

Would you consider the possibility of adding another option to search?

  1. Auto search 2. manual search are already there but perhaps a 3rd option for a “fuzzy manual search”.
    This fuzzy search would do very vague search like and the user can manually select which one to pick from the results?

No, but we’ll be looking at doing series and season searches (with filtering) so that might work.

With Horizon I’ve given up and I just download it separately now. The XEM is great in theory but it’s just doesn’t seem to be updated enough.