Amazon Cloud; ACD_CLI; encfs unionfuse deleting files from cloud when higher quality is found

Sonarr version (exact version): dev
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: debian jessie
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Description of issue:

This may or may not be support or may be a feature request, which I think is going to become more popular over the next few weeks since plex is rolling out amazon cloud stuff it’s kind of put it in the spot light, so I am trying to find a way to manage when higher quality files are found and the lower quality file is only on the cloud and not local (in this instance sonarr can see both since i am using unionfs) sonarr will delete the file but it’s really a soft delete since union just create hidden file that hides the deleted file (not a solution as it needs to be actually deleted from the cloud) acd_cli has a rm function but since the file is encrypted with encfs the file being deleted is the encrypted file. A shell script can do this easy by putting in the original file path and it will spit out the encrypted path to delete but it’s a manual process. I am looking for some sort of automation from Sonarr to do this.

This is the write up i used to set this unlimited storage solution up:

You could run a custom script after Sonarr sorts the new file with: though it doesn’t have information on the previous file and runs after the import.

I think I’m having weird issues related to this one. acd (read-only) + local (read-write) = media; when sonarr downloads quality upgrades, what is the expected behavior if the old copy is in the acd folder?

Sonarr would try to delete it, if it’s read only it would fail and the import wouldn’t happen because the file it’s replacing is still there.

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@joe_ Keep in mind that most guides out there, (which you cited following one of them) mount ACD as RO. Basically because of that when you delete something from your fuse mount fuse is simply hiding the file from you, not actually deleting it.

Reference this page for more information:
( backup link: )

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