Alternate Search Order options for manual Search All Missing searches

I track an excess of 500 TV series. When performing mass manual backlog searches, specifically the “Search All Missing”, I generate thousands of requests to my search providers (Indexers). It is common to be throttled or temporarily blocked, or hit daily search limits on my account for a given provider – before Sonarr can get far into the requested task (of searching all missing episodes for all tracked series).

I would like to request the addition of user selectable options for handling the search order of TV Series with the “Search All Missing”.

Options I have in mind:

  • A -> Z
  • Z -> A
  • Randomize series
  • Least Complete to Most Complete
  • Most Complete to Least Complete

A -> Z
Standard alphanumeric search order from 0-9 and A-Z.

Z -> A
Inverted alphanumeric search ordering from 0-9 and A-Z.

Randomize series
Series are randomized for the searching process, so that what is searched first is not always what is searched first.

Least Complete to Most Complete
Series with the most missing episodes are searched first, while series with the least number of missing numbers are searched last.

Most Complete to Least Complete
Series with the most missing episodes are searched first, while series with the least number of missing numbers are searched last.

…but why would you want to do backlog searches over and over again? :worried:

I do not run them often. Maybe once a month. I like to try and fill in as many TV series as possible. Not all my search providers support RSS so I have to manually search for newly-uploaded old content that was not fed to Sonarr via RSS.

Not exactly what was requested, but there is:

I don’t see user selectable options being something we’d want to implement at this time.

Really? Seems far more likely that they don’t provide searching because they don’t have an API. If you’re using Jackett they may be able to add RSS-like support for those sites.

Sort of relevant: perhaps an option for manual backlog searching only using any “RSS disabled” indexers would be useful.

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