Allow users to force the download of unknown series


general request:
Please provide the “Add to download queue” button for all manual search results.

When you’re looking for releases which aren’t properly named (for example “House of Cards” instead of “House of Cards (US)”), they can’t be downloaded automatically, which is understandable. However, if you try to manually search for these releases, you can see them in the search results, but can’t add one of them to your download queue, although you’re sure it’s the right one.

interesting for:
anyone who tries to download improperly named scene releases, for which a scene exception can’t be applied (because of naming conflicts, see House of Cards for example)

A “fix” for this would be greatly appreciated! I realize it’s supposed to be a feature to not show this button for certain search results, but in this case it’s preventing me from downloading perfectly fine releases of the show I’m interested in.


We’re working on Manual Import, allowing you to specify which series, season and episode it is. Until that’s done we can’t allow downloading.
Also, it would potential wreak havoc if ppl still used the Drone Factory for importing, coz then sonarr won’t know the original series the user triggered the download for, potentially getting it imported incorrectly.

The TVDB is slow to add aliases if they do at all. The functionality to be able to manually click download on unknown series would be helpful.

For most of the things I have problems with seems to be the Network Name + Show name as the ‘show name’ where it can’t be processed.

Others are Network Name + Documentary (or variation of this)