I noticed that Sonarr will replace colons (":") with “-” in file names, which means, that e. g. “NCIS: Los Angeles” will be named “NCIS- Los Angeles”. I previously used “NCIS Los Angeles” for the file names though.
IMHO, the “-” is misplaced here since the files will look as if someone forgot a space before it. Could you add an option in Settings => Episode Naming that allows users to enter which (if any) character(s) they want to be used to replace illegal characters in series or episode names (/ \ : etc.)?
You should be able to use Series CleanTitle in this case (as well as Episode CleanTitle) to strip the extra characters out. I don’t see us making what its replaced with customizable on a character by character basis.
I considered this but that would also strip legal characters (like parenthesis) which I don’t want to strip. I want to strip only illegal characters but keep the rest (since there is a good reason to have “(2005)” or “(1)” for example).
I didn’t suggest a character by character basis btw but rather one option to replace any illegal characters. Since the software already has to replace them with “-”, it shouldn’t be too complicated to allow users to set a different character that is not “-” (or none at all).
The alternative suggestion would be to add an option to override the naming conventions on a per-series-basis but that would probably be a lot of work (although it would be neat to have as well).