Allow 'Release Rejected: Episode wasn't requested/Unknown Series' to be grabbed during manual search

I find frequently when I perform manual searches, most often with specials, that the manual search comes back with results, many of which are marked ‘Release rejected: Episode wasn’t requested’ are actually the requested episode. A user is unable to choose to grab these results. This forces manual downloading and importing.

I assume that this was done to help prevent a user from grabbing an incorrect release, but really in my case it is causing more work than it saves as a human mind > regex. I suppose this also could be due to how Sonarr handles associating a download with a particular episode, which could require a lot of code to change.

If this isn’t a change devs would support, perhaps what I suggested could be allowed only on specials, where naming conventions are often iffy.

Also, thanks for yesterday’s release. Great number of adds/fixes devs!

There are a few technical hurdles with this one, but its already on Github:

Sorry Markus, I searched Git, but didn’t find it. My fail. Thanks anyway.

No worries :smile:

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