Ahhh Postprocessing stopped working

Mono Version
OS: Mac 10.13.6
Debug logs: Links below
Description of issue: Hey All, been having an issue with post processing not moving my files and not removing them when they have been proccessed.
It was working the just stopped, not sure what the cause was. I’m new to sonarr only been using it a few month now.
I did check that i had categroys added to all my indexers, it is putting them in the sonarr folder. I thought it may have been my seeding stopping it from processing, but nothing happens if i change it.

Currently i have to move the episodes to the folder and then do a manual import. It’s super frustrating.
Please help.
Logs below

Move them to which folder?

Are Sonarr and your download client on different systems?

I’m not seeing anything obviously broken in the logs, if you have a specific download that is failing to import please provide the name so we can search the logs.

In Sonarr v3 when you click the Manual Import file, it appears to be Hard coded to look in the series’ main folder. So, to do a Manual Import in 3 you need to move the files or folders you want to import INTO the show’s main folder.
I only just noticed this myself.

Depends where you invoke it from, there are several places you can do manual import.

Series Details (Manual File Import): This is focused on the series only, it will only look at the series folder. This is new in v3, the others have existed for a long time.

Wanted: Missing: You can choose any folder you want

Activity: Queue: The path provided by the download client is always used. If this is what you used and the series folder was selected it was due to your download client reporting that path (set to sort files, which it shouldn’t do).

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Maybe i wasn’t very clear with my first post as the conversation is going to Manual importing.

Sonarr stopped post processing.
Everything is running on the same OS, the drives are local as well.
I’m using transmission as my download client, it looks like it is putting dl’s in a category because everything is sitting within the Sonarr download folder.
Sonarr has show activity of the dl in progress and stops when the dl is complete.
When it finishes the dl it does nothing else. Everything stays in the dl folder.

Previously it would copy the dl into the series folder and index them into Sonarr.

So currently I have to copy them into the series folder, rename the files the way I like it, then either wait for Sonarr to update the series or manual import.

My frustration is it’s not copying the dl into the series folder and i’ve never managed Sonar to clean up the dl folder once it has.

Any thoughts?
I’ll upload new logs tomorrow as I wasn’t running the debug long enough last time.

When it finishes the dl it does nothing else. Everything stays in the dl folder.

What does Sonarr show in Activity Queue? The icon on the left when the download is 100% will show why it’s not importing.

If you can browse to the folder where the completed download is you can use Manual Import from Wanted: Missing or do it from Activity: Queue. If Sonarr can’t see the files/folders to import when you do that then best guess, it’s permissions on the files and Sonarr can’t import until you sort that out.

For torrents Sonarr won’t remove files that are still seeding.

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