I just started with Sonarr. Imported a bunch of shows and adjusted the seasons pass monitoring page. But i still have a massive wanted queue of mostly episode that i should have ignored through the season pass page. Aside from going through and delete them manually of the queue, is there a faster way?
Filter the wanted shows and then tick the box at the top of the checkbox list to select all the shows. That should get you pretty close. Check off any you still want to get, and then “toggle selected” will stop monitoring everything that is checked.
Every show that is missing, regardless of your preferences though, is going to be listed in wanted. It’s only a matter of if they are monitored or not.
so then the answer would be no… only a page at a time delete… bugger
Did the changes you make on Season Pass not get saved? Were there not enough options there to unmonitor episodes you don’t want? In most cases Season Pass would be the place to go to unmonitor things you don’t want, setting every series to Future would result in all past episodes (either on disk or missing to be unmonitored).
I toggled all the switches in seasons pass to how i wanted it, but the queue on the wanted page would not update to reflect this. So I toggled(deleted) each page, because there is no select all box - only select page, all 66 of them.(it didnt take so long ) Then went back and reselected through the series pages what i wanted. and now the the page is nice and clean. Also means that i can see some episodes now that were buried deep in the pages because of the sort by date.
Now i can move on to figuring out why sonarr can not find the completed downloads on my freeNAS box. Probably screwed the jail storage and permissions again… grrr
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