Additional needed settings on Import Existing from Disk

I recently switched over to nzbdrone and I love how you guys roll, thank you!!

A couple of suggestions:

“Import existing from disk” is decent but needs just a little polishing to really shine. This isn’t only something that’s done just once when starting out, or migrating, it’s been my experience this kind of thing has to be done every so often because “$#!- happens” sometimes. Whether its hard disk failure, disk structure change,db corruption,whatever. Since using nzbdrone is so damn easy, it sort of follows that people will have a tonne of series to import (or migrate). Here’s my suggestions:

  1. “Starting Season” is too restrictive. Here’s a couple sub suggestions:
    a) “Today onwards” for people who are OK with the state of their library up to the moment
    b) add “Next season” (for when a next season does not exist yet in trakt, or when a season has not started airing yet!)
    c) Existing Season (x) entries would be more useful if one could tell if the season is done airing or not but a) and b) would probably cover that aspect.

  2. Regardless of 1) above, it can be hard to choose a season because presumably one may not know the exact state with a long list of shows. Having some kind of representation of what’s on disk may be helpful here. Currently there is no way to get this information when you are importing, one must use some other method than nzbdrone to look at the disk and then load a schedule elsewhere and evaluate what the current state is.

Thanks for awesome software, I hope this is taken in the spirit which it’s meant which is extremely positive and these suggestions are considered (or other ways to solve the painful process of importing large #'s of directories)!!


  1. Problem with the import view is that at that stage we only fetch from trakt details about the series and the number of seasons. We don’t have any episode details at that stage. so we don’t know if they finished airing, for example.

But the suggestions are covered (mostly) by this existing trello card:

  1. At this stage during the import we haven’t looked at files yet, we only check the series folder name.
    Atm I don’t see an advantage in adding an additional view for that. You can easily just add the show to drone and then see what’s already on disk or not.

On a sidenote, we’re also thinking about:

  1. a. We originally had a way to pick the date you wanted it to start but it was hard to use because you had to look it up to select it, I feel like Today is not a lot better because you may not actually know the state of the episodes.
    b. As @Taloth pointed out

Similar to the card @Taloth linked for #2, we could do something similar, where we ignore episodes based on the existence of a file, with a few options: “ignore missing”, “monitor future only”, “monitor all”, “monitor episodes without files”, These options would take care of both problems I think, it would be a bit less customizable when adding, but more powerful.

Thanks for the responses guys.

Similar to the card @Taloth linked for #2, we could do something similar, where we ignore episodes based on the existence of a file, with a few options: “ignore missing”, “monitor future only”, “monitor all”, “monitor episodes without files”, These options would take care of both problems I think, it would be a bit less customizable when adding, but more powerful.

I like those options and I think they will work very well so long as they are available in the import-existing-from-disk screen. (I imagine one would want to make them available in seasons pass or series detail too mind you but I’m too much of a newb to know that for sure).

The main takeaway is the import-from-disk process quickly involves much crying and and fetal curling and I can imagine going through a rebuild or a recovery pretty painlessly were the options you describe available!

thanks for the consideration!

Hey Markus

Is it possible to get a trello for your ‘ignore missing’ ‘monitor future only’ ‘monitor all’ (etc) options?


Its there: