Adding existing series scans incorrect quality

I have most of Justified on my NAS already at 1080-WebDL. I just added it into NZBDrone and the qualities are all showing up as HDTV-720p.

I’m running OSX Mavericks, and I downloaded libmediainfo.dylib and put it in with the rest of the nzbdrone files. Do I need to restart Drone for that to take effect at all?

Unless the files contain the quality they will default to the quality of the file extension, which for mkv’s is HDTV-720p.

Right, gotcha.

I can’t remember if Sickbeard does that as well actually, I might do a quick test. It’d obviously be ideal to have Drone pickup the correct quality, as it could end up redownloading the same stuff otherwise. For example, my particular quality profile is set up to stop at 1080-WebDL, so I assume in this case (if I hadn’t manually disabled them), it would think I have 720p’s and would keep looking for 1080’s…

Nope, Sickbeard does the same thing. Fair enough :wink: Only going to be an issue as I import all my existing stuff anyway I suppose. Should be fine doing forward.

You could try a batch renamer & add the quality to them all. :slight_smile:

I could, but that’s OK. Not a huge deal, was just curious more than anything :slight_smile: