Added radarr alongside sonarr, now getting errors and cant download torrents

I am also using:

  • Sonarr (worked great for a long time, up until now)
  • Jackett
  • qbittorrent
  • plex
  • And Jackett (tpb) with Rarbg

Today, I discovered radarr, and installed it on my server pc, alongside sonarr.

But now, whenever I do automatic search, they both just downlaod all available torrents for that specific movie/episode… like 10-20 torrents for a single episode of big bang theory for example.
Here is the error found in logs, which triggers when I do automatic automatic search (it repeats as many times as there are torrents found):

If I try and download via manual search, I get this:, but the file still starts downloading in my qbittorrent - it just doesnt show up as if its being downloaded in either, sonarr or radarr. I just get errors there, as seen in screenshot above.
here is the full error found in logs related to this:

Any ideas where I screwed up? :frowning:

It’s a problem with qbit 3.3.14, it’s been fixed in develop and will be in the next release. Downgrading qbit to 3.3.12 is a viable workaround.

Oh crap… I did update qbt today aswell… Didnt even think about that.

Will downgrade right away!

Thanks <3

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