I would love to see the ability to add Tags to the filename. Something like -
{Series Title} - S{season:00}E{episode:00} - {Quality Title} {MediaInfo Simple} {Tag}
The goal here is to be able to pass a parameter from the Radarr GUI to a converter (in my case mcebuddy) through a string in the file name. So, if i tag a show XYZ it would show up as - The Series Title! - S01E01 - HDTV-720p x264 DTS XYZ
The converter (mcebydd or Tdarr etc) would then look for the XYZ string, which would trigger it to run with appropriate settings etc.
Basically, my goal is to pass a string from the gui to the filename. It doesn’t have to be {Tag}, but it does seems like the most obvious choice.