I’m trying nzbdrone for the first time, switching over from SickRage. I have all my media saved in a Bitcasa account (yep, one of the grandfathered infinite ones). When I add a new series (an existing one), nzbdrone has trouble reading the video files in the directory. I’m guessing it is because Bitcasa is a little slow to report directory contents the first time one access the directory (if it’s not already in the local cache). I can make the problem go away by viewing the particular directory in Finder, which puts the directory contents in the local cache, then re-scanning it with nzbdrone. In that case, all the video files are found. Here is the log from when I added the show “A to Z” (it’s not interesting as far as I can see):
[Info] SeriesService: Adding Series [281588][A to Z] Path: [/Volumes/Bitcasa Infinite Drive/Media - Lord Todd/Television/A to Z]
[Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for A to Z
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [281588][A to Z]
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [281588][A to Z].
[Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for A to Z
[Warn] HttpClient: HTTP Error - Res: [GET] : 500.InternalServerError
[Warn] MediaCoverMapper: File /Users/todd/.config/NzbDrone/MediaCover/3/fanart.jpg not found
[Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for A to Z
[Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Banner for [281588][A to Z]
[Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Poster for [281588][A to Z]
[Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Fanart for [281588][A to Z]
“http://” removed from the log to get by the new user link restriction.
Any suggestions?