Add Future, Unavailable Series to Wish List

Often I’ll read an article about a pilot or series to be released far in the future.

It would be nice to add items to a “wish list” so they aren’t forgotten. Later, once available, they can be paired to an actual series.

If you wanted to take it another level, you could offer suggestions as they are available.

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+1 for me. I like it.

It’s not something we plan to support at this time.

Usually somebody would have added these series to the TVDB. You could always add it yourself there as well.

No, Tvdb doesn’t allow series until the pilot date is set. “Somewhere in May 2017” isn’t allowed.

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Just in case there was any confusion, I’ve come across a perfect example: Cruel Intentions series spin-off of the movie spin-off of Dangerous Liaisons.

According to various articles (one example: this is a virtual lock, but they are working on slotting. There is also mention that it may go straight to a streaming service where I may or may not be exposed to its ads to remind me once all is resolved.

So, while the entertainment business figures out who/where/when/how it will appear, it’d be nice to add it to a wish list, that I will later pair with an actual entry and not run the risk of forgetting it all together.

Granted, I get that this is hardly critical, but I can’t tell you how often I am staring at the “Add Series” button trying to remember some series I’d come across earlier in the month… God-forbid, me jotting it down in some sort of notes app :slight_smile: I know me, if it’s not integrated, I might as well not do anything.

If still not interested, I get it, and I’ll be more than fine with the excellent app you all have provided.


Maybe “Potential Series” is a better term than “Wish List”

I believe I have added a series “skeleton” with the limited info available and no episode information. I think bots or admins wiped it shortly after. I could be lying :slight_smile: and I’m thinking of a similar situation with the and a movie, but I think it was with a series. It’s been a little while since then…

Ah right didn’t know that.

In that case, I cannot see Sonarr doing anything like this. If there was any possibility I’d imagine it would have to all be handled via a 3rd party database which links potential series with a tvdbid when it has a pilot date.

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