If this has already been mentioned, please disregard. I was wondering if it would be feasible to allow certain shows to only notify certain connectors!? Instead of sending to all.
Thank you and thank you for NZBDrone, incredible app!
If this has already been mentioned, please disregard. I was wondering if it would be feasible to allow certain shows to only notify certain connectors!? Instead of sending to all.
Thank you and thank you for NZBDrone, incredible app!
It would be doable, but it would be a significant undertaking for minimal gain (I don’t see this being useful for a large number of users).
Out of curiosity, what benefit would you get from this?
Something like this: https://trello.com/c/mCJyYeZl/122-custom-notifications-similar-to-sab-post-processing-scripts could be used (once implemented) to do whatever you want.
Understood it may not be beneficial to all. Heck, a lot of features are not. I just know in my family, my kids have shows they watch, and so does my wife. I want to be notified about my shows but I don’t want to be notified about my kids shows and my wife’s.
Not the end all, Just a thought!
I created a card that would add support for tagging. we can get to changing notification behaviour based on tags after that.
Thank you! I do appreciate all your hard work to help make our lives just a little bit easier.