Ability to import RSS feeds like IDMB and assign a download client category to a show

I’m not sure I fully understand where you are coming from. This feature was already requested (hence the GHI for it) and we’re not against it, but its not something we’re looking at doing (you asked if v3 would have it). I’m not actually against the idea, but I’m trying to minimize UI changes as we’ve started gearing up for a major UI overhaul. My concerns are in assigning a category to a specific watch list, thats not how you’d want to link it in Sonarr, it would be set to use a specific Root folder (then the series folder would be created in that root folder) and would also need a profile, monitoring options, what type of series it is and whether season folders should be used (as well as optionally tags, though thats not available in the v2 UI). Lets talk about your idea and how we can make it work with Sonarr.

Exactly. You don’t add a series and link it to a download client category, you setup the options I mentioned above, this is what we were trying to explain.

I think you’re off base here, he’s trying to help out and is pointing out the fault in your idea, not attacking you for having it.

P.S. Edit your posts instead of creating a new one for each comment (they update automatically inline for people reading the thread). :smile:

Thats a major change that we’re not considering as part of this or in the reasonable future. If anything this would be a way for a show on an IMDB watch list to be added to Sonarr in an automated fashion.