A lot of episodes exist on disk, not detected by Sonarr

Sonarr Ver.
Windows Server 2016:
Logs https://1drv.ms/t/s!AkX0yYmTeiFtiewzF4PPCvIyz19ftw
Several series have episodes that exist on disk, but are not picked up by Sonarr series scanner. 24 as an example, about 16 episodes of each series are detected, and even though all episodes have similar names, some don’t get added. 30 Rock is another that has missing, and several others**:

It’s the naming, Sonarr can’t easily tell what the file is.

18-5-11 20:14:29.3|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'E05 - 12pm - 1pm.avi'
18-5-11 20:14:29.4|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. E05 - 012

It thinks the series title is E05 and it’s absolute episode number 12. A file name with the season number included would allow Sonarr to detect it better. SxxE05 - 12pm - 1pm.avi

Perfect! Tested working as you suggested.

Thanks very much!

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