Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): by OS: Docker Debug logs:
[Error] DownloadedEpisodesImportService: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /data/usenet/tvshows/House. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder
Description of issue: I’m having a bunch of errors in my logs saying import failed for shows that I already have every episode for. So, for instance with House, I unmonitored the show (already got every episode) and wiped the queue. However, the import keeps getting added back to the queue and the errors come back, saying the file doesn’t exist (it doesn’t because it’s already been moved to its final destination). I’d like Sonarr to just stop doing anything related to that show as it doesn’t need to. I’ve read in other posts that deleting it from Sonarr is usually not recommended. Since I have a lot of shows with that same error, I’d like some best practice recommendations here.
Sonarr’s queue is built from items in your download client, you’ll either want to move them to another category/label or remove them so Sonarr stops seeing them.
I’ve been using Sonarr/Radarr with SABnzbd for several years, and just today I started having the same issue, so I wonder if this is a bug of some kind?
In the past day, Sonarr requested many episodes be downloaded (it was updating quality on some existing shows). It successfully passed the request to SABnzbd, and imported all the episodes/moved them out of the downloads folder, but all those episodes all remained in the Sonarr queue as missing files.
Clearing the SABnzbd history did fix the problem today, but it’s notable that this was never an issue before. I had over 2,000 items in the SABnzbd history when I cleared it out - most of those the result of Sonarr imports, but none of which Sonarr reported in the queue after they were imported.
(In Sonarr, my download client settings for SABnzbd is not set to remove imported downloads from the history. I’m sure turning that on will also solve the problem.)