404 on new series

Getting the OMG 404 image after adding any series. Futurama is coming up localhost:8989/series/futurama. Have tried a reboot of NZBDrone and the computer itself, refreshing the series to no avail. Not getting any errors pertaining to the individual series that are having issues.

Which version of Sonarr?
Anything in the logs?

Nothing in the logs for this issue. Only things are like Non-sample file detected: [D:\Staging\Leverage\Season 1\Leverage S01E01.The Nigerian Job.avi] (The episode in question is in .mkv). Version Issue seems to auto-correct after ~30 minutes. Could this be an issue of bloat? I’m currently at 17 series and around 450 episodes collected.

Its an issue with the develop build, not sure what it is at the moment, but we’ll look into it.

EDIT: This will be fixed in a build later tonight.

Wonderful. Will update once I regain consciousness in the morning. Thanks for the quick fix.